



Assemblage is an attempt to explore and address the development of assemblage from its beginnings in Dada, with an eye towards the future in a historical climate of developing interest in minimalism and conceptualism. Addressing the West Coast propensity to recycle emotionally-charged detritus, the works in this exhibition reveal an ongoing relevancy of the synthesized by-product, which continues to shape different artist’s personal languages.  Including works by: Edward Kienholtz, Bruce Conner, Llyn Foulkes, Arman, Jean Arp, Wallace Berman, Louis Bourgeois, Joseph Cornell, MAcrel Duchamp, Max Erst, Eva Hesse, Ed & Nancy Keinholz, Jannis Kounellis, Man Ray, Robert Rauschenberg, Kurt Schwitters, Dorothea Tanning, Tom Wesselmann, and others.  Works selected and compiled by D.K. Walla.


Kent Fine Art, New York, 1987

44 pp. 26 color plates.

ISBN: 1-878607-15-4


out of print

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