Paul Laffoley: The Force Structure of the Mystical Experience

Publisher: Kent Fine Art, New York

ISBN: 978-1-878607-32-4

Pages: 142. 53 color plates

Free online PDF: download here


Including “Penetrating the Kitsch Barrier” by Richard Metzger.
“I have been more interested in the nature of Utopian Space in terms of how to describe it and how to create it. In this regard, I feel that I harken back to reconsider the intentions and agenda of The Bauhaus, The Constructivists, The Deutscher Werkbund, etc., from the early part of this century. In doing so, it is with the belief that I am helping in some way to keep alive the “flame” of these Modernists (almost extinguished by the ‘Post-Modernists’), a flame if properly tended could burst into the ‘Fire of the Future’ which could light our way until the golden dawn of The Bauharoque.”

- PL (1992)