Stadia, Furniture, Audience (1990)

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Stadia, Furniture, Audience (1990)


Portfolio of 12 Cibachromes plus one text panel                               

Last complete set from an Edition of 5

Each Cibachrome: 40 x 30 in.

Each Cibachrome signed and numbered by the artist

OVERALL18 ‘ x 9’ (fully framed)



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A recreation and deconstruction of an architectonic code of deep-rooted genetic inheritance—amphitheatre, circus, arena—and with a growing multi-purpose function: a site of sporting events, but also of concerts, political acts, spectacles, large-scale religions ceremonies and other mass-audience events.  The prototypical architecture of the modern stadium is thus seen, considered and interpreted as a mass medium, by virtue also of its broadcasting by the media strictly speaking, which multiplies its audience and widens its scope.  The central body is make up by some stands and columns of prefabricated material forming an elliptical, impenetrable area with a bed of sand inside and a circular video projection in the center: views of the crowd in a stadium.  Roundabout, in the corners of the room, 4 slide projectors arranged thematically: architecture/ fittings/ symbols/ activities.  Photographs and a sound montage/ collage loaded with suggestions surround that symbolic restitution of the architectonic and media referent of the stadium, multiplying the denotative elements, the echoes, keys, metaphors, the symbolic apparatus, concepts and textual references, etc.  The is a project that has undergone a constant process of evolution in the successive presentations, especially in terms of the iconographic background, enriched each time with the images and signs closest to the context of the particular exhibition.



Kent Fine Art, New York1990

IVAM/Centro Julio Gonzalez, Valencia, Spain1992               

Nancy Solomon Gallery, Atlanta, Georgia1996

Galerie Sandmann & Haak, Hannover, Germany1998

Wurttembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart2006


Stadium Installation Places and Dates

Stadium I          Walter Phillips Art Gallery, The Banff Centre, Canada1989

Stadium II        Corner House, Manchester, England1989

Stadium III       Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, England1989

Stadium IV       Charles H. Scott Gallery, Vancouver1990

Stadium V         Kent Fine Art, New York         1990

Stadium VI       Contemporary Art Center, New Orleans, Louisiana1991

Stadium VII      Santa Barbara Museum of Art, California1991

Stadium VIII     IVAM/Centre Jullio Gonzalez, Valencia, Spain1992

Stadium IX       Kunst-Werke, Berlin, Germany1993

Stadium X        Wurtembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart



Stadium I  (Catalogue-CD)  Walter Phillips Art Gallery, The Banff Centre, Canada1989

(incl. Augaitis, Daina: "Notes on Mass Events")

Muntadas: trabajos recientes by Margaret Morse, published by IVAM Centre Julio Gonzalez,

Valencia, Spain. 1992