A human Condition

A group exhibition featuring the works of Dennis Adams, Varujan Boghosian, Troy Brauntuch, Richard Hamilton, Pablo Helguera, Justen Ladda, Paul Laffoley, Annette Lemieux, Beverly McIver, Muntadas, Irving Petlin, Rachel Schmidhoffer, Judith Shea, Kyle Staver, Robert Taplin, & James Wines

January 12 – May 1, 2017


A HUMAN CONDITION will include a panorama of works that resonate in this moment of unrest. None of the works were created for the show, or since the election, but they address an ongoing concern with issues of conscience that have become imbedded into our life experience. Artists, I believe, have been sensitive to numerous instances of injustice and inequities, and those realities have become the basis of their work.     - DKW